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商检局出具的普惠制产地证和中国原产地证是出口贸易环节中重要的官方证明文件。普惠制是发达国家给予发展 中国家出口制成品和半制成品普遍的、非歧视的、非互惠的一种关税优惠制度。普惠制产地证是依据给惠国要求 而出具的能证明出口货物原产自受惠国的证明文件,并能使货物在给惠国享受普遍优惠关税待遇。出口企业在商 检局办理此证必须向当地商检局提供必要的证明文件和依据,首先要办理企业注册登记,其次才能申请签证。 中国原产地证是证明我国出口货物生产和制造在中国的证明文件,是出口产品进入国际贸易领域的“经济国籍” 和“护照”。我国目前所签发的原产地证已成为国际贸易中的一个重要环节,货物进口国据此对进口货物给予不 同的关税待遇和决定限制与否。商检出具中国原产地证是依据我国《原产地规则》规定而出具的。出口企业申请 办理此证同普惠制产地证的申办程序相同,首先要在当地办理企业注册登记,然后才有资格申请签证。 与我国贸易优惠证书还有 东盟证书(FORM E) 中智证书(FORM F )亚太证书(FORM B) 中巴证书(FORM P ) 秘鲁证书(FORM R ) 中新证书(新加坡) 中新证书(新西兰)SASO(符合性证明书) CCVO(估价与原产地联合证明书)

    GSP certificate and the certificate of origin

 Shangjianju issued by the GSP certificate and the certificate of origin is an important part of the export trade of official documents. GSP exports of developing countries to developed countries, manufactured and semi-manufactured goods universal, non-discriminatory, non-reciprocal tariff preferences of a system. GSP certificate is based on the benefits to the request issued by the State can prove that exports of goods originating in the beneficiary countries supporting documents, and will enable cargo preference-giving countries generally enjoy preferential tariff treatment. Shangjianju enterprises in the export processing permits to the local Shangjianju must provide the necessary documents and the basis for, we must first register for enterprises, followed to apply for a visa. China certificate of origin to prove that China’s production and exports of goods manufactured in China’s document, the export products to enter the field of international trade "economic citizenship" and the "passport." China’s current certificate of origin issued by the international trade has become an important part of this country on the import of the goods imported goods to different tariff treatment, and decided to limit or otherwise. Commodity inspection certificate of origin issued by China is based on China’s "rules of origin" requirements issued. Export enterprises to apply for such permit GSP certificate with the same application procedures, we must first local processing enterprises registered, and then be eligible to apply for a visa.

公司电话/TEL:020-87374083 020-87393766 盛小姐:13802903570

1 代办国外双清报关报检;为您搞定一切报关手续;
2 提供最好的报关速度,清关实效;无论出口进口的报关报检一天内搞定。
3 提供最好的报关速度,清关实效;无论出口进口的报关报检一天内搞定。